
American Standard Liquid to Liquid Heat Exchanger In Stock can supply your company with a replacement Steam to Liquid Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger for an Adamson model that will meet all of the industry specifications such as ASME and TEMA requirements (B, C, & R) as well as our units complying with (Sections I, IV, VIII & Div. 1). 



  • Standard Copper (tubes), carbon steel (shell, tube sheet, baffles) 
  • Optional Brass (tubes, tube sheets, baffles), bronze (heads), stainless steel (tubes, tube sheets, heads, shells, baffles), 90/10 Cu-Ni (tubes)


Other manufacturers we carry are Bell & Gossett, Armstrong, Alco, American Standard, A.O. Smith, Cemline, Graham, Old Dominion, Standard Exchange, Taco, Patterson Kelley, Reco, Thrush & Heat Exchanger USA.

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