
Ketema & Whitlock Steam to Liquid Heat Exchanger In Stock can supply your company with a replacement Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger for a Ketema & Whitlock model that will meet all of the industry specifications such as ASME and TEMA requirements (B, C, & R) as well as our units complying with (Sections I, IV, VIII & Div. 1). 


Materials: Standard Copper (tubes), carbon steel (shell, tube sheet, baffles) Optional Brass (tubes, tube sheets, baffles), bronze (heads), stainless steel (tubes, tube sheets, heads, shells, baffles), 90/10 Cu-Ni (tubes) can get all of the documents necessary to produce the exact same unit that you have now.


Just Click the Request For Quote Button below and fill out information such as model number & National board number and we can get you a replacement quote sent right over.

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